Friday, December 11, 2009

(Religious) State of the Union

From the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, a highly-respected polling organization, comes these new statistics.
The poll... found that nearly half of the public, 49 percent, report having a "Religious or mystical experience… a spiritual awakening." That's up from 22 percent in 1962.... And 29 percent of Americans say they've felt in touch with someone who died -- that's up from 18 percent in 1996.
The poll went on to find that, "nearly six in 10 Americans from all religions blend their faith with New Age and Eastern beliefs," It's comforting to know that, from the perspective of Jewish Tradition: "More than one path leads to the top of Mt. Sinai."

You can read the article here:
Americans and Faith

Elie Wiesel Continues to Inspire

Elie Wiesel, noted author, human-rights advocate, and Holocaust Survivor, isn't "bitter" about loosing millions (of his charitable foundation's money, as well as his own) to Bernard Madoff's far-reaching and devastating Ponzi scheme. He says:
"I decided I will not to let anyone destroy what I have done with my life ... I am not bitter."
Incredible.  The man has faced - and faces - loss of all types and magnitudes with humility, determination, and courage. He continues to inspire.

Read the article below: